Responsible consumption → What is The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?
What is The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were set in 2015 by the international community as part of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development through which countries of the world collectively pledged to eradicate poverty, find sustainable and inclusive development solutions, ensure everyone’s human rights, and generally make sure that no one is left behind by 2030.
World leaders made a positive and constructive contribution to the development of the 2030 Agenda. Tsar Events Russia DMC & PCO is committed to implement the SDGs in all our practices and encourage our clients, partners and suppliers in doing the same.
17 SDGs have been defined by UN, with 169 associated targets, to be reached by 2030. They address the global challenges the world faces and tackle all dimensions of sustainable development, in a balanced and integrated manner.
Providing MICE services in Russia and other CIS counties Tsar Events Russia DMC & PCO has selected 9 goals used frequently in our business, which can be adapted to positively influence their standard policies and daily operations:
Goal 3 – Good Health and Well-being: By inspiring talents and clients to live a more sustainable and healthier life at work and when attending events.
Goal 5 – Gender Equality: By treating this as a priority in our operations and by balancing the gender of speakers on the conference panels.
Goal 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth: By always pushing for better work conditions & good ethics throughout the supply chain.
Goal 9 – Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure: By promoting innovation that aims at reducing environmental footprints and increasing social impact.
Goal 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities: By taking the lead to challenge and support cities & governments to make their infrastructures and services more sustainable for the events they host.
Goal 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production: By continuing to use sustainable materials, recycle waste, renewable energy, local and organic food while reducing unnecessary consumption of resources on our events.
Goal 13 – Climate Action: By continuing to inspire our offices and events to use renewable energy, reduce energy usage, and offset their unavoidable impacts.
Goal 14 – Life below Water: By increasingly encouraging and supporting our suppliers to source the seafood and fish for our events from responsible sources.
Goal 15 – Life on Land: By working on ensuring that the signage, stage materials and branding that we use in our events comes from more sustainable sources.
To know more about our sustainability action, please contact us or visit other parts of our web-site.