The Trans Siberian from Vladivostok to Moscow will take you 152 hours and 27 minutes if you do it non-stop
In Russian city Oimyakon lowest temperature of air is registered in year 1933 was -67.7 °C
Russia was the first to send dog Laika in to space
The Russian Orthodox Church still uses the old Julian calendar; therefore, its Christmas celebration falls on January 7th, 13 days behind the West. It's a day of both solemn ritual and joyous celebration
During the Second World War metro stations were used as air-raid shelter. 150 people were born there
There are 7 towns in the Golden Ring of Russia
Vodka was introduced in Russia in the period from 1448 to 1474. Less than 100 years later the first «czar tavern» was set up in Moscow
Russia has 40 UNESCO Biosphere Reserves and 23 World Heritage Sites
There are approximately 10 million more woman than men in Russia
310 km is the total length of 12 Moscow metro lines. 182 stations serve almost 10,000 trains. Average length of a trip is 13 km
In the 18th century, Russia was the 3rd largest empire in earth’s history; it covered the area from Poland in Europe to Alaska in North America
During the last days of June, a phenomenon known as the "White Nights" can be seen in parts of Russia. It is a time when night remains bright as the sun does not sink below the horizon
The western Siberian Plain is the largest plain on earth
St. Petersburg
The Neva River in St Petersburg is the shortest and deepest European river
St. Petersburg
The Hermitage is one of the world's largest museums. The museum contains three million works of art from the Stone Age to the Modern Day
Carl Faberge, the famous goldsmith, designed a number of Easter Eggs for the Russian royal family
Rasputin was an unscrupulous mystic who was able to check the haemophilia of the heir to the throne. He gained influence over the Czarina and her husband, the Czar, Nicholas II
The Russian royal family was executed in Yekaterinburg in 1918
The Moscow State Circus has been in existence for two hundred years and was given strong support during the Communist era
St. Petersburg
Petrograd was the name of St. Petersburg during period August, 1914 — February, 1924
As per the 1993 constitution, Russia has a democratic and federal government system, which stands divided into executive, legislative and judicial branches
In Russia men never give an even amount of flowers to a lady it is a bad luck and is associated with funerals
Russians usually wear a wedding ring on the right hand
Moscow's Cathedral of Christ the Saviour holds around 5,000-6,000 at one time and is the tallest Eastern Orthodox church in the world and currently the largest operating Orthodox Church in the world
Moscow's Cathedral of Christ the Saviour was blown up by Stalin during his drive to drive religion out of Soviet life and rebuilt in the 1990s
When you have a visitor (friend or anyone else) you HAVE to offer them at least a coffee or tea with cookies, it's rude if you don't feed your guest
When a Russian couple gets married, they usually have a big reception ceremony where everyone yells "Gor'ko" which literally means 'bitter' and then the groom has to kiss the bride
Russians are quite friendly and open. Friends and relatives always come to visit, usually without a phone call. It's normal if a friend of yours or a relative comes over without asking